The primary reason why we are unable to accept our oneness with nature due to “divide and conquer” special interests. Those institutions work round the clock to make putty out of our minds with false political, philosophical, scientific, and religious notions. Let us examine this. Religion does not want you to hold faith in technology. Technology does not want you to place your faith in religion. Too often conservative religion wishes to keep life more abundant off of the Earth - as an idea relegated to a far away Heaven only. People are encouraging a defeat by being sold on potentially self fulfilling notions of Armageddon or 2012 deadlines. These fearful notions spread like wildfire, while the Rockefeller backed Manhattan institutes publish books that teach misanthropic notions regarding how war and disease are needed to thin out the population. This Malthusian thinking is a lie. War and disease is not really good for the economy, and is devastating to humanity.
If “free energy” were allowed onto the market, people would be able to move into the open uninhabited areas of the world rather than be forcefully stuck in population centers like sardines in a can - all addicted and plugged in at the neck to the monopolist power grid. In these population centers we call cities, the value of human beings is much less than the value of dirt. Good luck sleeping on a park bench. The value of power and fuel goes up while the value of humans goes down. You couldn’t sell your eyeball for five bucks. It would, of course, cost you a hundred thousand dollars to buy an eyeball in the hospital.
Where is the Heaven here? Too often, new-age and alternative philosophies wish to avoid the term Heaven at all. Any way you look at it, the historic Jesus is almost all by himself dreaming of a Heaven on the Earth. It was Jesus that said let the model prayer contain, “…thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven”. Of course, if Jesus came around these days he would likely be falsely named a Secular Humanist or a Universalist or a New Age Hippie. This is because Jesus believed that God made everything in nature - that the Devil didn’t create anything.
There are some who seem to think that God’s magnificent creation can be replaced with Prozac, Viagra and Twinkies. The monopolies are hooligans with a “patent it, or kill it” philosophy. All the three letter agencies including the FDA and the FTC and the DOE and the FBI and the CIA and the IRS can try their best to be GOD but they simply are NOT. Try as they might, they can not make a tree. Is the FDA and the FTC really doing hired hand work for the drug companies to help suppress and or eradicate competing natural answers put here by God? Yes, and it is tantamount to spitting in God’s face.
Even evolutionists will not admit to the fact that life can not have developed accidentally and by adaptation. Scientists already admit that there had to have been intelligent design from somewhere, even if things were evolving. Like two ants caught in a struggle where both jaws are locked to the death and won’t let go, Christians say that God is a man, yea high with a particular robe and a beard. New agers say that God is Mother Earth, a woman. It is a mistake to play God by insisting that God has anthropomorphic characteristics, and to continue to ignore that the intelligent design of creation is a mysterious but wondrous form of God mind.